Friday, November 28, 2008

Another new view of the world

John and Matthew had some fun this rainy afternoon playing with the camera and tripod. Matthew loves being hung upside down, so they captured some shots of Matthew "walking on the ceiling".

Sitting Up!

Michael keeps amazing me this month. He has been sitting on my lap a lot lately and so we tried sitting him up on the ground and he stayed upright!! He is a bit wobbly so we still need to be nearby or prop him up with the nursing pillow around him, but he is loving the view of the world from this new position. He also pulled himself into an upright position yesterday while I had him reclined in the stroller. What a strong boy!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Since Michael is getting so strong we have been giving him playtime in his exersaucer. He started out being able to handle only a minute or two, then he would become physically tired of supporting his body and a little overstimulated by all the colours and movement. Now he can handle about 20 minutes, can turn himself around to the toys he wants and LOVES chewing on the bouncy horse. This makes breakfast and making dinner so much easier since he can now stand in the kitchen and play with Matthew, John and I. I wonder how long until he realizes that it bounces too.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Got my toes!

This has been a month of exploration for Michael. He loves pulling hair these days, has discovered his toes and fingers as play things now, is rolling constantly and has started to do push-ups in preparation for crawling. When he does the push-ups he can get all the way up on his hands and toes, but he also sticks out his tongue (it is very cute) and then lets out a scream. He really wants to get moving so he can keep up with his big brother. His teeth have also been bothering his greatly so there has been a ton of drool.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Swim Lessons

Matthew had his first big boy swim lessons today! Michael, John and I sat on the side of the pool and watched Matthew splash around in the kiddie pool, blow bubbles, sing songs, and dump water on his instructor, Selma. She let them all dump a boatful of water over her head, and then did it to them. Matthew didn't look impressed, but he didn't freak out. At the end of the lesson Matthew came straight to me and said, "That was soooo much FUN!!" We are so pleased that he is not afraid of being in the pool without us.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Splish Splash

We realized very early on in Michael's life that it is just easier to bath the boys together. Matthew is very helpful washing Michael and entertaining him - maybe that is why Michael LOVES his bathtime. Matthew's goggles are on so he can get used to wearing them, he wants to snorkel when we are in Hawaii this spring.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

My Big Boy

I have slowly been coming to the realization (since his 3rd birthday) that Matthew is a big boy now, not my sweet little baby. Since his birthday party Matthew has decided to "skip" his naps, his face is changing, and he is getting so tall. But seeing him with this backpack just makes him look even bigger. For the past 3 days he has worn the backpack everywhere – even inside playing with his toys. We do make him take it off for dinner, going to the bathroom and car rides, but he puts it right back on afterwards. He is very proud of it. Matthew is using it to carry around his snack, binoculars, a magnifying glass, and a variety of small toys. So cute!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Michael's First Solid Foods

For the past few weeks Michael has been curiously watching us at meal times. The other morning he even tried to steal Matthew’s muffin right off his plate, so we thought it was time to try him on his first solids even though he is only 4 ½ months old. It was a family affair. Dad took photos while Matthew and I spoon fed Michael. Michael ate the whole bowl of infant oatmeal that I prepared (only 10 mL – but that is pretty good for a first meal). By the 3rd spoonful Michael was really getting into it, he even took the spoon right out of my hand and started sucking on it. I think he is really going to like this new culinary adventure!