Thursday, February 11, 2010


Today was a day full of Olympic sights. Just shortly after breakfast we saw the torch run past our house.
Then I took Matthew to school with me. Our whole school walked to Burnaby Village Museum to see the torch pass through there.

Finally we had Dale Walters (Bronze medal winner - Boxing Bantam weight in the 80's and dad of one of the Gilpin students) and Shawn O'Sullivan (Gold Medal winner for boxing in the 80's) visit our school.

Matthew and I even had a chance to hold a torch that was part of the relay on Wed. Feb 10th.
Michael also got to hold a torch (they were handing them out in the morning when we saw the torch in the dark.) Every time he holds it up high he cheers like he heard everyone cheer this morning. Too cute.

I can't wait to see the Opening Ceremonies now. One more day!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Using the Potty!

Well, we have had a busy holiday season and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. But in the midst of all the bustle Michael has decided to potty train. Out of the blue he pulled me into the bathroom, said "Pee." Then when I out him on the toilet he actually peed and poohed! Yeah, Michael! Since that first occassion he has asked 2 more times with results both times. Could we be diaper free before two?