Thursday, December 18, 2008


This snow has been so much fun!( Can you tell I don't have to go driving anywhere?) Wednesday when it was snowing pretty hard we played in the driveway building a snow man, climbing the piles of shovelled snow, and trying to use the shovel. John had 2 big cups of hot chocolate waiting for us when we came in after an hour and a half of snow play. Yum! Sambucca also got a snowy treat that night, John walked her to the Lacrosse box at the school and let her run free in the deep snow.

Today, Santa's elves delivered an early gift to Matthew - a ski-doo sled.
We all walked over to the school and went down some of the great hills.
Even Michael went for a couple of rides.
Matthew's first run on his own was fun, but ended in a shrub. We will be out there everyday until the snow is gone. It is a win-win situation, he has fun, it's free, and climbing back up the hill tires him out so he sleeps well at night. John and Matthew stayed out over an hour sledding. I took Michael home after about 15 minutes, the sweetheart was getting a bit chilled despite being all bundled up. He was much happier once we got home and all warmed up.

1 comment:

lewis fam said...

What a FUN thing, snow!!!

I love you 'win win' comment...I was thinking the same thing!

GREAT photos, Leah!!!