Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lunch with Nana & Papa

We had a nice visit with Nana & Papa. Matthew was thrilled to be spoiled with Valentine treats, special cupcakes, and he got a McDonald's gift card so he can take us out for lunch. Michael sat in his booster seat at the restaurant for the first time. He was very well behaved and didn't fuss until after I had finished eating. Yeah! After lunch Matthew got to play in Freddy and honk the horn, when we got home he howed off on his run bike. Nana and Papa were impressed with his balance. It was a nice visit, can't wait until they live closer so they don't have to rush to beat the traffic.

1 comment:

lewis fam said...

Great to catch up on what has been happening in your world, Leah! Sounds like you continue to keep yourself busy. *grin*

Michael is a SUPERSTAR! Wow, crawling, pulling up, teeth, sitting in a 'big kid' chair! Very impressive!!!

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!!!!!